Figure 1.
Derivation and analysis of tetO-KIF5B-RET transgenic mice. A, schematic representation of tetO-KIF5B-RET transgene. B, scheme for production of C/KR bitransgenic mice and induction of the KIF5B-RET transgene expression in the mouse lung type II epithelial cells. C, RT-PCR analysis of KIF5B-RET mRNA expression in various tissues in monotransgenic tetO-KIF5B-RET mouse and in C/KR bitransgenic mouse fed with Dox diet for 1 month. D, after induction with Dox diet for 1 month, cell lysates were prepared from lung tissues of CCSP-rtTA/tetO-KIF5B-RET (C/KR) bitransgenic or wildtype (W) mice. Immunoprecipitation-immunoblotting analysis of KR expression and phosphorylation was performed.