Figure 3.
foraging gene dosage and allelic contributions to larval path length. (A) Larval path length of homozygous for0 and fordup individuals. Increasing gene copy number increases path length (t = −8.24, df = 34.31, P = 1.2e−9). (B) Path length on yeast of homozygous for0, for0;{forBAC}, and fors;{forBAC} individuals. Increasing gene copy number increases path length (F(2,105) = 32.3, P = 1.2e−11). (C) Larval path length behavior of homozygous forR, fors and heterozygous forR/fors individuals (F(2,87) = 46.4, P = 1.9e−14). mm, millimeters; ns, nonsignificant; *** P < 0.001.