(A) Immunoblot of YAP and TAZ in NT control and α3-KD cells
growing under detached conditions. (B) Multiple independent
experiments showed increased YAP and TAZ in α3-KD cells versus NT
control cells. *P<0.0001, unpaired t test. (C) Lysates
of NT control and α3-KD cells growing under detached conditions were
immunoblotted for CTGF. The graph shows mean CTGF levels in 3 trials after
normalization to actin. (D) Serum-starved α3-KD or NT
control cells were treated with 5 μM LPA for 20 h then fixed and stained
for TAZ (magenta), with nuclei counterstained with DAPI (green). Arrows indicate
NT control cell nuclei with reduced or absent TAZ staining compared to adjacent
cytoplasm. An identical experiment was performed for YAP (not shown). (E
& F) The proportions of cells with a nuclear:cytoplasmic (N:C)
ratio of TAZ or YAP greater than or less than 1.0 were determined using Image J.
A larger number of 7agr;3-KD cells displayed a nuclear:cytoplasmic ratio of TAZ
and YAP>1 (P<0.0001 or 0.0014 respectively, Fisher’s exact test, n
≥ 40 cells). (G) Stable knockdown of YAP and TAZ in
α3-KD cells. (H) Knockdown of TAZ but not YAP inhibited
growth of the α3-KD cells on 3D collagen (P<0.0001, ANOVA with
Tukey’s post-test; bars show mean ± SEM, n=6). Numbers
below immunoblots show intensity units measured with a LiCOR blot imager.