FIG. 4.
Aspartic acid 1000 of MET is necessary for caspase 3 in vitro cleavage. The in vitro-translated full intracellular domain of MET WT fused to LEX sequence (LEX-MET) or mutated on aspartic acid 1000 (LEX-MET D1000-N) was incubated with or without (−) caspase 8 (0.3 μM) or caspase 3 (0.3 μM) for 2 h. Caspase 3 treatment generated p40 and p30 fragments, and their formation was impaired using the D1000N LEX-MET mutant. Two minor fragments of ∼35 and 25 kDa were also generated by caspase 3 treatment; these fragments might be generated from smaller in vitro translation products of LEX-MET. The arrowheads indicate the positions of the LEX-MET, p40, and p30 fragments.