FIG. 7.
H4-4A-GFP protein is excluded from nuclei in cac1 mutant cells. (A) H4-WT-GFP expressed in wild-type (YJB8342), cac1Δ (YJB8432), cac1Δ cac2Δ (YJB9013), and cac1Δ cac3Δ (YJB9015) cells. (B) H4-4A-GFP expressed in wild-type (YJB8343), cac1Δ (YJB8378), cac1Δ cac2Δ (YJB9014), and cac1Δ cac3Δ (YJB9016) cells. Yeast strains containing the indicated GFP fusion proteins were grown overnight at 30°C on solid medium to repress expression of the GFP protein. Cells were then introduced into liquid media to induce expression of the GFP fusion protein and grown for 6 h at 30°C. Differential interference contrast (left panels) and fluorescence (right panels) micrographs of unfixed cells are shown. Loss of the largest subunit of CAF-1 results in a subtle mislocalization of H4-WT-GFP, while loss of multiple CAF-1 subunits does not further alter the distribution of either H4-WT or H4-4A-GFP.