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. 2017 Feb 3;7:42087. doi: 10.1038/srep42087

Table 3. Differentially expressed precursor microRNA in the CD4+ cell population.

Probe set Symbol Entrez Location Probes P-value Fold-change
TC17000728.hg.1 hsa-mir-21 406991 chr17 (q23.1) 30 4.18E-07 4.376
TC17001729.hg.1 hsa-mir-142 406934 chr17 (q22) 30 1.18E-05 2.204
TC02001872.hg.1 hsa-mir-216b 100126319 chr2 (p16.1) 30 8.72E-08 −2.093
TC12000573.hg.1 hsa-mir-548c 693129 chr12 (q14.2) 30 7.24E-05 2.731
TC07000452.hg.1 hsa-mir-590 693175 chr7 (q11.23) 30 4.21E-05 2.641
TC10000348.hg.1 hsa-mir-605 693190 chr10 (q21.1) 30 8.41E-07 −2.058
TC20000241.hg.1 hsa-mir-644a 693229 chr20 (q11.22) 30 7.74E-08 3.846
TC04001648.hg.1 hsa-mir-3140 100422896 chr4 (q31.3) 30 2.25E-05 2.083
TC10000815.hg.1 hsa-mir-4295 100422909 chr10 (q25.2) 30 1.08E-05 2.037
TC02000369.hg.1 hsa-mir-4434 100616419 chr2 (p14) 10 1.24E-04 2.259
TC05000673.hg.1 hsa-mir-4461 100616209 chr5 (q31.1) 30 2.13E-04 −2.055
TC09000561.hg.1 hsa-mir-4668 100616114 chr9 (q31.3) 25 1.27E-05 2.051

This table shows 12 precursor miRNA that were identified as more abundant (n = 9) or less abundant (n = 3) after 3 months of fingolimod treatment in comparison to baseline (p-value < 0.001 and fold-change > + 2.0 or <−2.0). For each miRNA stem-loop, the table provides the miRBase database symbol, the Entrez database identifier, the genomic location, the Affymetrix HTA 2.0 probe set and the number of probes on the microarrays that were used to quantify the expression.