His-MxiC(Cys) is nearly completely labeled with MTSL and the 247–290 interspin distance distribution is between that of the straight and bent forms. His-MxiC(Cys) was modified with MTSL as described under “Experimental Procedures.” The labeling efficiency was assessed using room temperature continuous wave EPR. The resulting EPR derivative signal is displayed in arbitrary units (a.u.). A, labeling efficiency in His-MxiC(Cys) alone. The spin concentration is ∼ 66 μm, and ∼100% of His-MxiC(Cys) was modified by MTSL (the residual free label fraction is marked with an asterisk). B and C, left column, V(t)/V(0) is the primary DEER data; the inset in B shows the background-corrected F(t)/F(0) with the fit (red dotted line). In the right column, P(r) indicates the probability for the different distances extracted with model-free Tikhonov regularization using DeerAnalysis. The red dotted lines show the simulation by MMM. B, comparison of the bent MxiC model with the experimental data for His-MxiC(Cys). C, comparison of the MxiC crystal structure (PDB code 2VJ4, chain A) with the experimental data for His-MxiC(Cys). Comparisons with all other chains in all crystal structures are shown in supplemental Fig. S12. The chain presented in this panel was chosen because it was used as template to model the bent form of MxiC.