Analysis of mxiC mutant phenotypes in the mxiHK69A background. Protein secretion in response to the artificial inducer CR is shown. Shigella wild type, ΔmxiCΔmxiH mutant, complemented strains (ΔmxiCΔmxiH/mxiCmxiH or ΔmxiCΔmxiH/mxiCmxiHK69A), and mxiC mutants (in the ΔmxiCΔmxiH background expressing either mxiH or mxiHK69A) were grown with 25 μm IPTG where required. Mutants mxiC(E201K,E276K,E293K) and mxiC(M226K,L242D) are abbreviated mxiC(negative) and mxiC(hydrophobic), respectively. Samples were collected as described under “Experimental Procedures,” silver-stained (top panel), and Western-blotted with the indicated antibodies (bottom panels). Arrow indicates faster migration of MxiCΔCBD.