ICAP1FL and ICAP1PTB bind integrin
β1 tails equally well.
A, pull-down of GFP-tagged ICAP1 constructs
from CHO cell lysates with purified recombinant αIIb or
β1 integrin tails. Tail loading was assessed by Coomassie
Blue staining. The input lane indicates 5% of
input lysate. B, ICAP1 binding to purified
recombinant αIIb and β1 tails was quantified and
expressed as a percentage of input (mean ± S.E.
(error bars); n = 4).
C, increasing amounts of purified
ICAP1FL or ICAP1PTB were pulled down
with His-tagged integrin tails (either αIIb or β1a)
immobilized on beads. Protein was detected by immunoblot
analysis. D, a binding curve was generated by
quantifying the bands, normalizing to the input control, and
plotting the relative signal versus the input
of purified protein (mean ± S.D. (error
bars), n = 3).