The Al-induced inhibition of root growth is regulated by JA. A to C, Root growth of seedlings in the wild type and mutants including aos, coi1-2, and myc2-2 subjected to Al stress. The wild-type and mutant seedlings were exposed to 0 to 8 µm AlCl3 for 7 d. D, Root growth of seedlings in the wild type and the coi1-2 mutant in response to different metal ions. The wild-type and coi1-2 mutant seedlings were exposed to 0 and 6 µm AlCl3 or 1 µm LaCl3, 3.5 µm CdCl2, 2 µm CuCl2, and 10 mm NaCl. E, Root growth of seedlings in the wild type and the coi1-2 mutant in response to varied pH solutions. *, **, and *** indicate a significant difference between the wild type and mutants in the presence of Al treatment at P < 0.05, < 0.01, and < 0.001, respectively. F, Effect of exogenous MeJA on the root growth of wild-type seedlings subjected to Al stress. The wild-type seedlings were exposed to 0 or 6 µm AlCl3 in the presence of 0 to 0.5 nm
MeJA for 7 d. * and ** indicate a significant difference between MeJA and non-MeJA treatments in the presence of Al stress at P < 0.05 and < 0.01, respectively. Values in A to F represent means ± sd (n ≥ 30).