C. trachomatis does not cofractionate with DRMs. HeLa cells were infected with the indicated C. trachomatis serovars for 1 h at 37°C, and DRMs were prepared as described in the text. The fractionation profiles for each of the C. trachomatis serovars, as visualized by staining with an antibody to MOMP, are shown in the upper panel. The middle and lower panels show the fractionation profiles for untreated HeLa cells (control), L2-infected HeLa cells, and HeLa cells treated with the lipid-disrupting agents MβCD, filipin, and nystatin and immunoblotted with an antibody to caveolin (middle panel) or TfR (lower panel) as described in the text. The caveolin and TfR sedimentation in serovar D-, E-, and K-infected cells was similar to that seen in the L2-infected cells (data not shown). In some samples, caveolin migrated as a doublet, possibly due to phosphorylation (20).