Aromatic and aliphatic monomers of seed coat polyesters by HPLC and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). A, Portion of UV light-HPLC profiles of the phenolics from seed coat suberin of the wild type (WT) and myb107. Numbers represent the identified phenolics: 1, ferulate; 2, caffeate; 3, sinapate; 4, coumarate. B, Contents of aromatic compounds in seed coat suberin quantified by HPLC. C, Contents of aliphatic monomers, including fatty alcohols, diols, ω-hydroxy fatty acids (ω-OH FAs), dicarboxylic acids (DCA), and fatty acids (FAs), in cell wall residues of seeds. The data represent means ± sd from three biological replicates. Asterisks indicate statistical differences compared with the wild type (Student’s t test, ***P < 0.001 [B] and *P < 0.05 [C]). CW, Cell wall; DW, dry weight.