Figure 4. The effects of naringenin on DENV replication.
Huh7.5 cells were transfected with either DENV-1 replicon (RepDV1) or DENV-3 replicon (RepDV3) RNA. After 1 h, the transfected cells were treated with naringenin (250 μM). Dot plot analysis (SSC × NS3) of Huh7.5 cells transfected with RepDV1 and RepDV3 treated with naringenin, ribavirin or IFN-α 2A (anti-NS3 staining using the monoclonal antibody 1722) (A). Histograms show the mean fluorescent intensity (MFI) of transfected cells treated with naringenin, ribavirin and IFN-α 2A or left untreated (B). Average frequency of Huh7.5 cells transfected with RepDV1 or RepDV3 treated with naringenin (C). Data represent the mean ± SEM of three independent experiments. One-way ANOVA and Dunnett’s test for multiple comparisons (*p < 0.05 compared to the untreated control).