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. 2016 Nov 24;21(47):30406. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2016.21.47.30406

Table 2. Typology of general practitioners according to their practices and opinions about vaccination, agglomerative hierarchical cluster analysis, weighted data, France, April to July 2014 (n = 1,575).

Vaccine hesitancy (%)
n = 1,353 (85.9%)
n = 166 (10.6%)
n = 56 (3.5%)
Perceived likelihood of links between specific vaccines and potential severe adverse effects (somewhat/very likely)
Seasonal influenza vaccine and Guillain–Barré syndrome 20.1 29.9 66.2 22.8
Hepatitis B vaccine and multiple sclerosis 5.8 30.3 82.8 11.1
Aluminium adjuvants and Alzheimer's disease 5.8 15.2 70.9 9.1
AS03-adjuvanted influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 vaccine Pandemrix and narcolepsy 13.9 28.8 46.4 16.6
Human papilloma virus vaccine and multiple sclerosis 0.2 27.4 50.5 4.8
Vaccines containing adjuvant and long-term complications 24.3 48.2 88.5 29.1
Perceptions of vaccine usefulness (somewhat/strongly agrees)
Today some vaccines recommended by authorities are not useful 23.1 40.1 60.4 26.3
Children are vaccinated against too many diseases 16.4 36.5 62.4 20.1
Frequency of vaccine recommendations (often/always)
Measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) to non-immune adolescents and young adults 87.1 55.8 52.6 82.6
Meningococcal meningitis C to 12-month-old infants 70.9 52.8 30.6 67.6
Meningococcal meningitis C to ages 2–24 years (catch-up) 60.6 36.2 20.8 56.6
Human papillomavirus vaccine to girls aged 11–14 years 77.5 46.9 24.5 72.4
Hepatitis B to adolescents (catch-up) 67.1 41.5 29.7 63.1
Seasonal influenza to adults under 65 years with diabetes 87.1 69.9 47.5 83.9

a Seven missing values.