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. 2015 Nov 27;16(1):46–56. doi: 10.1093/bfgp/elv053

Table 3.

ART center and relevant national law in the G8 and China

ART centers 2007a Population 2007 (millions) Centers/ million ART-specific national law Prohibition of reproductive cloning by national law Prohibition of GGMb by national law Relevant national laws and guidelines
Canada 26 33 0.79 Yes Yes Yes Assisted Human Reproduction Act (2004, amended 2006, 2007, 2012).
Russia 69 143 0.48 Noc Yes Ambiguousc Law No. 323 on Fundamentals of Citizens’ Health Protection in the Russian Federation (2011). Order of the Ministry of Health No. 107n on the Use of Assisted
Reproductive Technologies, Contraindications and Limitations to their Use (2012).
Law No. 54 on the Temporary Ban on Human Cloning (2002, amended 2010)
UK 70 61 1.15 Yes Yes Yesd Surrogacy Arrangement Act (1985). Human Embryology and Fertilisation Act (1990, amended 2008). Human Fertilisation and Embryology (Mitochondrial Donation) Regulations (2015).
France 104 62 1.68 Yes Yes Yes Law on the Donation and Use of Elements and Products of the Human Body, Medically Assisted Procreation, and Prenatal Diagnosis, No. 654 (1994). Bioethics Law No. 800 (2004, amended 2009, 2011).
Germany 118 82 1.44 Yes Yes Yes Embryo Protection Law (1990, amended 2001, 2011). Adoption Brokerage Law (2006). Guideline of the German Federal Medical Chamber (2006)
Italy 202 58 3.47 Yes Yes Yes Law No. 40 Rules in the Field of Medically Assisted Reproduction (2004)
China 358e 1,354 2.65 Nof Nof Nof Ministry of Health: Technical Standards and Ethical Principles of Assisted Reproductive Technologies and Sperm Banks (2003).
USA 483 302 1.60 Yesg Nog No Fertility Clinic Success Rate and Certification Act (1992).
Japan 606 128 4.74 No Yes Noh Law Concerning Regulation Relating to Human Cloning Techniques and Other Similar Techniques (2001). Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare: Guidelines for Clinical Research Such as Gene Therapy (2015).

Based on Ishihara et al. Fertil Steril. 2015;103:402–13.


GGM: human germ line gene modification for reproduction, other than reproductive cloning


No ART-specific federal law. ART is stipulated in the chapter 6, article 55 of the law No. 323. The details of ART operation is indicated by the order No.107n. Although human embryo research is legal, germ line gene modification for reproduction is not considered in relevant legislation or the Order.


A form of germ line gene modification, mitochondrial donation will be allowed under the regulations (effective on 29 October 2015).


Based on Qiao J, Feng H.L. Transl. Pediatr 3, 91–7 (2014). The numbers of center and population as of 2012.


ART is regulated under guidelines. Reproductive cloning and GGM are also prohibited under guidelines, not legislation.


The ART-specific federal law only requires ART centers to report pregnancy success rates. Regulation of ART activities varies at the state level ( Some state laws prohibit human cloning (


GGM is prohibited by guidelines, not lelgislation.