Effects of 1,4-DHNA and related compounds on transformation and DNA binding of guinea pig cytosol and ChIP analysis of the Cyp1a1 promoter. A, Transformation and DNA binding of guinea pig hepatic cytosolis AhR. DMSO (solvent control), 10 μM CH229131, 10 and 100 μM 1,4-DHNA, and 100 μM concentrations of the remaining compounds alone and in combination with TCDD were incubated with guinea pig cytosol and analyzed by gel mobility shift assays as outlined in the Materials and Methods. B, A representative gel showing the ligand-induced transformed AhR-DRE complex is illustrated in this panel. C, ChIP assay. YAMC and Caco2 cells were treated with various compounds and analysis of recruitment of pol II and the AhR to the Cyp1a1/CYP1A1 promoters was determined in a ChIP assay as outlined in the “Materials and Methods” section.