Fractional excretion of calcium was determined in WT (GNA11WT/WT, n = 28 baseline, n = 14 vehicle, n = 9 calcilytic), heterozygous (GNA11R60C/WT, n = 21 baseline, n = 13 vehicle, n = 10 calcilytic), or homozygous mice (GNA11R60C/R60C, n = 9 baseline, n = 5 vehicle, n = 5 calcilytic) at baseline and 4 hours after bolus i.p. injection of either vehicle (Veh) or 28 mg/kg of the calcilytic NPS 2143 (Drug). Data are shown as mean ± SD. At baseline, results for the 3 genotypes were analyzed using one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple corrections. At 4 hours, vehicle- and calcilytic-treated groups were compared by Student’s t test. (*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01).