Figure 2. Single-pulse photo-magnetic recording.
The initial domain structure was prepared by applying an external magnetic field μ0H = 80 mT along the [1-10] axis for few seconds. After removing this field a stable domain pattern was formed. The images are 200×200 μm2 large. The pump beam with the wavelength of 1300 nm was focused to a spot of 130 µm in diameter and with maximum fluence of 150 mJ cm-2. Panel (a) from left to right shows the domain pattern before the laser excitation, after excitation with a single laser pulse polarized along the [100] axis, and subsequent excitation with a similar laser pulse polarized along the [010] axis. Panel (b) shows differential changes after each of the pulse excitations and schematic demonstration of the ultrafast photo-magnetic recording of “0”and “1” bits with the linearly polarized pulses. Panel (c) schematically demonstrates the switching of the magnetization between two magnetic states M(L)+ and M(L)− corresponding to all-optical recording of magnetic bits “0” and “1”.