Figure 8.
Effect of GS967 on use-dependent action potential duration (APD), action potential amplitude (APA), and APD restitution. (A) Baseline microelectrode recordings of action potentials at two pacing cycle lengths (PCLs): 200 ms (top) and100 ms (bottom). (B) Effects of GS967 at these two PCLs, causing 2 and 7% reduction in APA and 32 and 48% reduction in APD, respectively. (C) Superimposed APs showing that GS967 causes greater shortening of APD than APA at faster rates (use-dependent). (D) Mean percent shortening of APA and APD as a function of PCL. (E) Effect of GS967 on slope of dynamic APD restitution curves both at baseline and after aconitine. (F) Superimposed APs at baseline, after aconitine injection just before initiation of VT/VF and after GS967 (From Pezhouman et al., 2014b). *p < 0.01; †p < 0.05.