Figure 1.
TRAP and toll-like receptor 2 stimulation in platelets induces changes in phosphorylation (ratio stimulated/unstimulated signal). Analysis of p65 subunit of NF-κB phosphorylated S536 (A,B) and S468 (C,D), Akt (pS473) (E,F), P38 (pT180/pY182) (G,H), and ERK1/2 (pT185/pY187) (I,J) in platelet extracts from TRAP (50 µg/ml) or Pam3CSK4 (100 µg/ml) stimulated versus non-stimulated platelets. The analysis was performed at different times from 0 to 120 min of stimulation by TRAP (50 µg/ml) (A,C,E,G,I) or Pam3CSK4 (100 µg/ml) (B,D,F,H,J). Data are mean (± SD) of five independent experiments (measured in triplicate). *P < 0.05 (Mann–Whitney U test; stimuli versus unstimulated).