(A) HE pictures of the PBA-treated organs and those treated with the solvent-vehicle. The images were taken at 200x magnification, and the scale bar is 200 μm. Severely inflamed portions are shown with blue asterisks. In the picture of the vehicle-medicated skin, an ellipse is placed where the fatty tissues were lost. The thickness of the PBA- and vehicle-treated skin was also displayed with arrows. (B) Immunostaining for the generic leukocyte marker CD45 in the PBA-medicated tissues and the vehicle-medicated ones. Cell cytosol and nuclei are stained red and blue, respectively. The images were taken at 200x magnification, and the scale bar is 20 μm. (C) Mallory’s staining for the PBA-injected organs and their vehicle-injected counterparts. The photographs were taken at 200x magnification, and the scale bar is 200 μm. Aberrantly fibrotic areas are shown with white asterisks. (D) Electron micrographs of the PBA-treated lacrimal glands and small intestine, and their vehicle-treated counterparts. The pictures of stroma of the lacrimal glands (left) and epithelial cells of the small intestine (right) were taken at 2000x magnification, and the scale bar is 5 μm. The photographs of blood vessels in the lacrimal glands were taken at 15000x magnification, and the scale bar is 500 nm (middle). Cap: Capillary, M: Mitochondrion. In the pictures of the vehicle-medicated lacrimal glands, asterisks are placed where the ER is expanded due to the accumulation of proteins, and cell debris is shown with a rectangle. In the image of the vehicle-treated small intestine, an ellipse is placed where microvilli were demolished, and damaged tissues are indicated with an arrow. (E) The density of CD45 positive cells in the PBA-treated organs (blue) and the vehicle-treated ones (red). Data from one of two similar experiments are shown. The data are presented as means, ±SD, PBA: n = 3, Vehicle n = 3, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001.