Female NZM2328.DR3+AE0 mice develop proteinuria earlier than NZM2328 mice. Severe proteinuria (>3+) was determined using Albustix. The cumulative incidence of proteinuria in female NZM2328 mice (n = 12) was similar to that in female NZM2328.DR3+AE0 mice (n = 35) (72 and 75%, respectively, p = 0.28, log-rank, Mantel–Cox test). The cumulative incidence was 14% in male NZM2328 mice (n = 18) and 13% in male NZM2328.DR3+AE0 mice (n = 30). The onset of proteinuria was earlier in female NZM2328.DR3+AE0 mice compared with female NZM2328 mice (median, 5 mo versus 9 mo, p < 0.001).