Loss of β-catenin promotes a diverse spectrum of tumor pathologies, including features of poor differentiation and altered differentiation status. (A) Tumor pathologies are classified into three main categories: well-differentiated with epithelial features, transdifferentiated with squamous features, and poorly differentiated. Percentage of each pathology subtype is quantified from all tumors collected: Ctnnb1+/+ErbB2KI, n = 30; Ctnnb1fl/+ErbB2KI, n = 80; Ctnnb1fl/flErbB2KI, n = 21. (B) H&E staining (row 1) of the most common form of pathology for each genotype. Tumors were stained for Krt14 (row 2) and Krt6 (row 3) by IHC and costained for Krt8/14 by IHF (row 4). Ctnnb1+/+ErbB2KI, n = 6; Ctnnb1fl/+ErbB2KI, n = 7; Ctnnb1fl/flErbB2KI, n = 5. (Scale bar: 20 μm.)