Reduction of β-catenin level results in defective adherens junctions. (A and B) Adherens junctions were visualized by IHF staining for p120-catenin and α-catenin components of adherens junctions. Ctnnb1+/+ErbB2KI, n = 6; Ctnnb1fl/+ErbB2KI poorly differentiated, n = 5; Ctnnb1fl/+ErbB2KI others, n = 3; Ctnnb1fl/flErbB2KI, n = 5. (Scale bar: 20 μm.) (C) ErbB2KI-derived tumor cells (TM15-C10-2) and stable cells expressing nonsilencing shRNA control or Ctnnb1-specific shRNA were injected into mammary fat pad of athymic mice to allow tumor formation. At end-point burden, tumors were collected, and protein lysate was subjected to immunoblot analysis for indicated proteins.