Fig. S9.
Localization of microwire bundles in PHC showing high and low scene selectivity. The tips of the microwire bundles were localized using a postimplantational CT scan coregistered with a preimplantation MRI scan, and normalized to Montreal Neurological Institute space. (A) Recording sites (i.e., location of bundle tips) projected onto a coronal (Upper left), sagittal (Upper right), and axial (Bottom left) section of the MNI ICBM brain for all 24 subjects. All 37 recording sites were individually verified to be located in PHC. Scene selectivity was quantified as the proportion of neurons showing significant scene/nonscene category distinction (compare Table S1). A median split was performed to distinguish bundles with high and low scene selectivity. (B) Same as A, but showing bundles with high vs. low scene selectivity based on LFPs instead of neurons. R, right. Note the lack of a clear spatial cluster of scene-selective localizations across patients reflecting the well-known interindividual variability across subjects.