Fig. 3. Bile acid homeostasis in Asbt-KO mice treated with antibiotics.
(A) Fecal BA excretion (μmol/24 h/100 g bodyweight) in wildtype and Asbt-KO mice upon antibiotic treatment. (B) Secretion of biliary BAs (nmol/min/100 g bodyweight). (C) Bile flow (μl/min/100 g bodyweight). (D) Total plasma BAs (μM) in antibiotic-treated and control wildtype and Asbt-KO mice. (E) Hepatic mRNA expression of Cyp7a1, Cyp8b1 and Hmgcr. (F) Biliary cholesterol secretion (nmol/min/100 g bodyweight) in Asbt-KO and wildtype mice. (G) Ileal Asbt protein expression. (H) Ileal mRNA expression of BA-responsive genes. (I) Ileal FGF15 protein levels. (J) mRNA expression of Fgf15 and Shp in jejunum of wildtype and Asbt-KO mice. Median ± range; n = 8/group; *p <0.05 WT vs. WT + AB, ‡p <0.05 WT vs. Asbt-KO, #p <0.05 Asbt-KO vs. Asbt-KO + AB.