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. 2004 Sep 24;2:35. doi: 10.1186/1741-7015-2-35

Table 3.

Randomized trials of surgery and postoperative radiotherapy (RT) versus surgery alone.

Study, year [Reference] Participants Number of patients Interventions Median Survival (Months) Survival Rate (%) Adverse Effects (Number of Patients)
1 yr 2 yr 3 yr 4 yr 5 yr

Fok et al. 1993 [27] 130 patients July 1986-Dec 1989 Hong Kong, single centre squamous cell adenocarcinoma excluded leaks, respiratory failure, poor performance, metastases 65 esophagectomy + 49–52.5 Gy postop RT 8.7 34 18 16 16 - gastritis, 6; ulcer, 17; tracheo-esophageal fistulae, 1; strictures, 6
versus versus versus versus versus
65 esophagectomy (Lewis-Tanner or transhiatal or sternal split) 15.2 65 25 21 16 - gastritis, 3; ulcer, 1; tracheo-esophageal fistulae, 0; strictures, 6
Shorter survival with RT (p = 0.02). Better local control with RT (p = 0.06) but with more complications.
Teniere et al. 1991 [28] 221 patients Dec 1979-Dec 1985 France, multi centre squamous cell distal 2/3 esophagus 102 esophagectomy + 45–55 Gy postop RT 18 68 50 27 24 21 minor, 18; major, 4; death, 1
versus versus versus versus versus
119 esophagectomy (transhiatal or right thoracotomy with stomach or colon interposition) 18 73 51 29 22 19 none reported
No difference in survival (p-value not reported). Local or regional recurrence was lower with RT (70% versus 85%, p-value not reported).
Fok* 1994 [5] 79 patients 1968–1981 Hong Kong, single centre Squamous cell middle 1/3 esophagus 42 esophagectomy (one or two stage) + 45–53 Gy postop RT 11 48 17 17 12 10 respiratory 25; postoperative deaths 3; leaks 11
versus versus versus versus versus
39 esophagectomy (right thoracotomy, left neck, and abdomen) 22 58 36 24 16 16 respiratory 15; postoperative deaths 3; leaks 7
No difference in survival.
Zieren et al. 1995 [29] 68 patients (did not accrue entire sample size 68/160) June 1988-Dec 1991 Germany, single centre squamous cell excluded cervical location, metastases, other cancers, previous treatment 33 esophagectomy + 55.8 Gy postop RT 14 57 29 22 - - tracheo-esophageal fistulae, 1; skin, 18; strictures, 2
versus versus versus versus versus
35 esophagectomy (transhiatal or right thoracotomy with stomach interposition) 13 53 31 20 - - strictures, 1
No difference in survival (p-value not reported).
Xiao et al. 2003 [47] 495 patients 220 Midplane dose of 50–60 Gy in 25–30 fractions over 5–6 weeks NR - - - - 41 NR
versus versus versus versus
275 Surgery alone NR - - - - 32
p = 0.4474

Note: NR, not reported.

*Patients randomized to four groups; data shown are for surgery + radiotherapy versus surgery alone.