Figure 2. Tomogram of lung metastasis sample from spectral CT, PET/CT and corresponding HE pathology (T-1).
(a–c) Axial GSI monochromatic images in portal phase: (a,b) lung window images on different slices, (c) color-scale monochromatic images. (d) transverse fused images of PET/CT, (e) gross specimen, (f) histological section. Transverse GSI images demonstrated small circular lesions in the bilateral lower lungs. (a,b) showed the maximum cross section of the two lesions, respectively. (c) further demonstrated the mild enhancement within the lesions. (d) depicted circular lesions with slight FDG uptake in the relevant location. The SUVmax values were 0.22 and 0.36, respectively. (e) demonstrated metastasis in right lower lung clearly, further certified by histological section (f). Arrows pointed out the metastatic nodules.