Fig. 1.
PRISMA flow chart of the systematic review.
Search terms and filters used (in PubMed): (environment* OR “physical attributes” OR “physicalcharacteristics” OR “built form” OR “urban form” OR “urban design” OR neighbourhood OR neighborhood OR facilit* OR walkability OR aesthetics OR safety OR equipment OR greenness OR “park”OR “parks” OR “open space”) AND (“physical activity” OR “physical activities” OR “physically activelifestyle” OR “leisure activities” OR exercis* OR walk* OR cycle OR cycling OR commut* OR “activecommuting” OR active transport* OR “active travel”) AND (older* OR elder* OR senior* OR pensioner*) NOT (disabled OR patients OR youth OR children OR adolescent*). Filters: Language: English; Date; 01/01/2000 to 03/09/2016; Article type: books and documents, case report, government publication, journal article, meta‐analysis, observational study, review, systematic review, technical report, congress