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. 2017 Feb 6;15:39. doi: 10.1186/s12957-017-1112-9

Table 1.

Clinical data of patients with spinal ASPS and literature review

No. Age, sex Preoperative status Treatment Follow-up
Loca OML Pri/LR/meta (PS) AT F-S pre Blood loss (ml) Surgery time (min) Type Appro Comp F-S post Follow-up month LR/meta Last status
1 28, M L5 Lung pubis Meta (right leg) Targ/radio C 3200 110 Piecemeal Post D 34 AWD
2 30, M S3-5 Pri D 1000 230 Piecemeal Post E 15 NED
3 22, F S2 Lung LR Chemo D NA 230 Piecemeal Post E 13 NED
4 44, F L2-4 Lung, scull Meta (sacrum) Chemo/radio D 1000 155 Piecemeal Post D 3 Recu
L2/3 Lung, scull LR Chemo/radio C 1000 130 Piecemeal Post D 21 AWD
5 16, F S1-5 Pri D-C 5000 505 Piecemeal Post Wound disunion D 3 Meta
C7T1 Lung Meta Chemo C 2000 170 Piecemeal Ant C 1 Recu
C6-7 Lung LR Chemo A 1600 300 Piecemeal Post B 4 DOD
Zhu et al. [10] 23, M T12 Pri NA NA NA Piecemeal Post NA NA NA NA NA
Zadnik et al. [9] 28, F S1-3 Pri C NA NA En-bloc NA NA D 26 Recu DOD
Lizzati et al. [11] 36, F T3-6 NA Meta (NA) Chemo/radio D 2500 880 En-bloc Thoracotomy post Meningocele E 18 NED

Loca location, OML other metastatic lesions, Pri primary, LR local recurrence, Meta metastasis, PS primary site, AT adjuvant therapy, F-S Pre preoperative Frankel score, Appro approach, Comp complication, F-S post postoperative Frankel score, M male, F female, NA not available, Targ targeted therapy, Chemo chemotherapy, Radio radiotherapy, DOD died of disease, NED no evidence of disease, AWD alive with disease