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. 2017 Jan 10;9(1):49. doi: 10.3390/nu9010049

Table 3.

Degree of association and level of agreement between average daily food group intakes by FD and FFQ.

Food Group Average Daily Consumption (Serving/Day) Level of Agreement Correlation Coefficient *
FD FFQ FFQ-FD 1 FFQ:FD 2 Unadjusted 3 Energy-Adjusted 4 Deattenuated 5
Mean SD Mean SD p-Value 6 Mean SD Pearson Pearson Pearson
Grain, Cereal, Bread 4.70 1.67 9.83 2.42 <0.001 5.14 2.30 2.22 0.42 0.33 0.35
Vegetable 1.88 1.13 1.53 0.25 <0.001 −0.38 1.05 0.91 0.16 0.21 0.25
Legumes, Pulses, Seeds 1.15 0.24 1.16 0.14 0.620 0.00 0.26 1.03 0.23 0.34 0.55
Fish, Poultry, Meat, Egg 1.30 0.30 1.74 0.89 <0.001 0.50 0.85 1.41 0.41 0.42 0.51
Milk 1.02 0.11 1.29 0.36 <0.001 0.23 0.29 1.21 0.68 0.66 0.80
Fruits 2.08 2.94 1.66 0.89 0.060 −0.49 2.28 1.13 0.75 0.79
Beverages 1.08 0.28 1.60 1.19 <0.001 0.55 1.05 1.47 0.65 0.85 0.90

* For all correlations, p < 0.001. 1 FFQ-FQ represents the difference between intake measured by FFQ and intakes measured by FD; 2 FFQ:FD represents the percent ratio of paired FFQ and FD intake measurements; 3 Calculated based on log-transformed value of average daily consumptions; 4 Calculated based on log-transformed value of average daily consumptions with adjustment for total energy intake using the residual method; 5 Correction were calculated based on energy-adjusted correlation accounting for random within-individual error in the two 3-day FD; 6 Paired t-test comparing FFQ and FD in daily average intakes. ≠ Correction coefficient not calculated due to the very large ratio of within-person to between-person variances.