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. 2017 Jan 10;14(1):57. doi: 10.3390/ijerph14010057

Table 4.

Disability Weights (DWs) of main and scenario analyses in comparison with GBD (Global Burden of Disease) 2013 DWs and comparability of health state descriptions.

DiWIntox Ranking DiWIntox GBD Ranking GBD 2013 DiWIntox vs. GBD 2013
Health States (HS) Used in DiWIntox (Ordered by Severity) DWs (MA) 95% UI (MA) DWs (SA 1) DWs (SA 2) DWs (SA 3) Health State Best Comparable to DiWIntox Health State DWs 95% UI Comparability of HS Description ~ Comparison of DiWIntox (MA) and GBD Results *
1 Mild Vision Disorder 0.081 0.033–0.162 0.119 / 0.060 1 Distance vision, mild impairment 0.031 0.019–0.049 moderate Overlapping UIs
2 Deafness 0.136 0.075–0.221 0.215 # 0.215 # 0.215 # 6 Hearing loss, complete 0.215 0.144–0.307 moderate Overlapping UIs
3 Breast Cancer (Clinically disease-free stage without permanent sequelae) 0.162 0.098–0.246 0.248 / 0.268 2 Mastectomy 0.036 0.020–0.057 low Not overlapping UIs
4 Problems of Alcohol Drinking 0.189 0.122–0.274 0.277 / 0.316 7 Alcohol use disorder: mild 0.235 0.160–0.327 high Overlapping UIs; DWs within each other UI
5 Severe Asthma 0.189 0.122–0.273 0.277 / 0.316 4 Asthma, uncontrolled 0.133 0.086–0.192 high Overlapping UIs; DW within each other UI
6 Chronic Low Back Pain 0.203 0.134–0.288 0.290 / 0.337 10 Low back pain: severe, with leg pain 0.325 0.219–0.446 moderate Overlapping UIs
7 HIV/AIDS (seropositive, asymptomatic) 0.208 0.139–0.293 0.296 / 0.346 3 HIV/AIDS: receiving antiretroviral treatment 0.078 0.052–0.111 low Not overlapping UIs
8 Mild Dementia 0.223 0.152–0.309 0.309 / 0.367 12 Dementia: mild 0.377 0.252–0.508 high Overlapping UIs
9 Diabetes Mellitus (uncomplicated, poorly controlled) 0.254 0.178–0.343 0.336 / 0.411 / n.a. n.a. n.a. /
10 Manifest Alcoholism 0.312 0.223–0.413 0.380 / 0.482 11 Alcohol use disorder: moderate 0.373 0.248–0.508 high Overlapping UIs; DW within each other UI
11 Coronary Heart Disease, Severe Stable Angina 0.347 0.248–0.458 0.404 / 0.521 5 Angina pectoris: severe 0.167 0.110–0.240 high Not overlapping UIs
12 Chronic Metallic Mercury Vapor Intoxication (moderate case) 0.368 0.261–0.485 0.417 0.40 0.542 / n.a. n.a. n.a. /
13 Colorectal Cancer (Stage of diagnosis and primary therapy) 0.368 0.261–0.485 0.418 / 0.543 8 Cancer: diagnosis and primary therapy 0.288 0.193–0.399 low Overlapping UIs; DW within each other UI
14 Stroke, moderate impairments 0.431 0.300–0.569 0.458 / 0.608 9 Stroke: long-term consequences, moderate plus cognition problems 0.316 0.206–0.437 high Overlapping UIs; DW within each other UI
15 Severe Depression 0.526 0.334–0.713 0.536 / 0.734 15 Major depressive disorder: severe episode 0.658 0.477–0.807 high Overlapping UIs; DW within each other UI
16 Delirium caused by excessive alcohol intake 0.537 0.329–0.736 0.549 / 0.755 13 Alcohol use disorder: severe 0.570 0.396–0.732 low Overlapping UIs; DW within each other UI
17 Quadriplegia 0.560 0.291–0.804 0.589 # 0.82 # 0.82 # 14 Spinal cord lesion at neck: treated 0.589 0.415–0.748 high Overlapping UIs; DW within each other UI
18 Chronic Metallic Mercury Vapor Intoxication (severe case) 0.588 0.194–0.907 0.664 0.80 0.941 / n.a. n.a. n.a. / /

Abbreviations: DiWIntox: Disability Weight for Chronic Mercury Intoxication; GBD: Global Burden of Disease study; HS: health state; MA: main analysis; n.a.: not available; UI: uncertainty interval. *: Spearman’s Rho applied to the mean DiWIntox DWs of the main analysis and the mean GBD 2013 DWs: 0.77 (p-value < 0.001). #: Predefined value. ~: Comparability of health state descriptions used in DiWIntox and GBD 2013 was checked and documented in Table S1 (Supplementary Materials).