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. 2017 Jan 11;14(1):63. doi: 10.3390/ijerph14010063

Table 2.

Meta-prediction: Air Pollution Levels and MTHFR C677T Polymorphism Genotypes for Controls (ct) and Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) Cases (ca), and AD Risks.

Partition Tree Tukey’s Test
Variable AICc AP Death Levels Count Mean SD Levels Compared Difference SE Difference Lower CI Upper CI p
TT%ct 318.732 2 11 8.182 7.427 4/2 7.874 3.319 −0.198 15.945 0.0572
3 and 4 33 15.364 8.930 3/2 6.3515 3.443 −2.021 14.724 0.1680
4/3 1.5222 3.032 −5.851 8.896 0.8707
TT%ca 308.987 2 11 7.091 4.549 3/2 11.042 3.089 3.731 18.753 0.0021
4 and 3 33 17.939 8.441 4/2 10.520 2.978 3.279 17.762 0.0029
3/4 0.722 2.720 −5.893 7.337 0.9619
CT%ct 317.809 2 11 34.273 10.762 3/2 9.661 3.407 1.377 17.944 0.0190
4 and 3 33 43.091 7.666 4/2 8.116 3.284 0.130 16.102 0.0457
3/4 1.544 3.000 −5.751 8.840 0.8646
CT%ca 339.208 2 and 3 26 46.115 11.389 4/2 3.096 4.195 −7.104 13.296 0.7425
4 18 48.278 9.999 3/2 1.618 4.351 −8.962 12.198 0.9267
4/3 1.478 3.832 −7.840 10.796 0.9214
CC%ct 366.743 3 and 4 33 41.576 14.331 2/3 16.055 5.959 1.564 30.545 0.0269
2 11 57.455 16.336 2/4 15.732 5.745 1.762 29.703 0.0242
4/3 0.322 5.248 −12.440 13.084 0.9979
CC%ca 364.011 4 and 3 33 34.545 12.696 2/4 13.616 5.567 0.078 27.154 0.0484
2 11 47.727 18.778 2/3 12.661 5.775 −1.382 26.703 0.0845
3/4 0.956 5.086 −11.412 13.323 0.9807
RRTT 118.544 2 11 1.073 1.016 4/2 0.377 0.342 −0.455 1.209 0.5180
3 and 4 33 1.424 0.838 3/2 0.321 0.355 −0.542 1.184 0.6413
4/3 0.057 0.313 −0.703 0.817 0.9821
RRCT 7.777 3 and 4 33 1.124 0.206 2/3 0.250 0.100 0.006 0.493 0.0433
2 11 1.336 0.359 2/4 0.181 0.097 −0.054 0.415 0.1593
4/3 0.069 0.088 −0.145 0.283 0.7164
RRCC −21.842 2 and 4 29 0.822 0.185 3/2 0.026 0.072 −0.149 0.201 0.9299
3 15 0.848 0.167 3/4 0.026 0.063 −0.128 0.180 0.9132
4/2 0.0004 0.069 −0.168 0.169 1.0000

Note. MTHFR = methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase; CI = confidence interval; AICc = Akaike’s information criterion correction; AP Death Levels = annual death rates from air pollution levels per million population (Levels 2 = 50–100, 3 = 100–250, 4 = 250–400 and greater); RR = Risk Ratio; ct = controls; ca = AD cases; TT%ct = percentages of MTHFRC677T TT genotype in control group; TT%ca = percentages of TT genotype in AD cases; CT%ct = percentages of CT genotype in control group; CT%ca = percentages of CT genotype in AD cases; CC%ct = percentages of CC wildtype in control group; CC%ca = percentages of CC wildtype in AD cases; RRTT = risk ratio of TT; RRCT = risk ratio of CT; RRCC = risk ratio of CC.