Figure 6.
Males lacking unc-31/CAPS fail to insert spicules and transfer sperm. (A) Ability of defecation mutant males to insert their spicules into the hermaphrodite vulva. The numerical percentage of wild-type males that inserted their spicules was normalized to 100%. The normalization factor was then applied to the other genotypes. x-axis indicates the genotype of the male tested. (B) Ability of males to initiate sperm movement from the seminal vesicle, allowing sperm to move down the vas deferens, out the cloaca, and into the uterus. The numerical percentage of wild-type males that released sperm from the valve was normalized to 100%. The normalization factor was then applied to the other genotypes. x-axis indicates the genotype of the male tested. (A and B) The number of males in each assay is at the x-axis. The number above each bar is the percentage of males completing a task successfully. The P value determined by Fisher’s exact test is given above each bar. aex-2(lf) and pbo-4(lf) are not significantly better than wild-type. (C and D) Confocal images of wild-type (C) and unc-31(lf) (D) adult male tails. Dorsal is to the top, anterior to the right. Scale bar = 20 µM. (E) Measurements of intestine lumen width. x-axis indicates the sex and genotype of the worms measured. Each point represents one worm. Line is mean and error bars are SD. *** P < 0.0001, Mann–Whitney U test. CAPS, calcium-dependent activator protein for secretion; Herm, hermaphrodite.