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. 2016 Oct 17;101(3):739–749. doi: 10.1189/jlb.4A0915-442RR

Figure 2. Sorted HLA-DR+ PMN from healthy donors have morphologic and biochemical characteristics of neutrophils.

Figure 2.

(A and B) Micrographs showing cytospun, FACS-isolated HLA-DR or HLA-DR+ PMN (Diff Quik stain). (C) Quantification of band neutrophils in FACS-isolated HLA-DR+ vs. HLA-DR fractions from healthy blood donors (n = 4; paired Student’s t test). (D) Quantification of the total percentage of band and metamyelocyte (Meta) neutrophil forms in blood smear differential counts from patients with CL compared with endemic healthy controls (unpaired students t test). (E) Correlation plot between the percentage of HLA-DR+ PMN vs. the percentage of bands plus metamyelocytes in peripheral blood smears, showing a lack of correlation between the abundance of immature neutrophil forms and the abundance of HLA-DR+ PMN in patients with CL (P = 0.732). (F and G) Representative flow cytometry plots showing gating on granulocytes (62.1%) and monocytes (5.2%) in the whole blood of a patient with CL (F), and gating on HLA-DR+ and HLA-DR CD66b+ neutrophils in a patient with CL (G). (H) Histogram showing intracellular staining of HLA-DR+ PMNs, HLA-DR PMNs, and monocytes for MPO. Plots are compared with the fluorescence minus one (FMO) staining control lacking MPO Abs. (I) Quantification of G-MFI of HLA-DR PMNs, HLA-DR+ PMNs, and monocytes in patients with CL (statistical analysis, 1-way ANOVA with Tukey’s posttest analysis).