Effects of pevonedistat on in vivo tumor growth in melanoma xenografts. (a) The most sensitive (n=5) and resistant (n=2) cell lines were selected based on their IC50s from the cell viability assay to generate subcutaneous cell line xenografts. Mice were treated with vehicle or pevonedistat (90mg/kg subcutaneously twice daily), with at least 5 mice per treatment group. Tumor volume (mm3) was measured twice weekly and expressed as percent of volume on Day 1, which was averaged for each treatment group in the growth curves shown. The average percent tumor growth index (TGI) was determined for each xenograft model at the end of study, where TGI <50% indicated significant growth inhibition. (b) Melanoma patient-derived tumor xenografts (PDTX) (n=8) were generated, treated with vehicle or pevonedistat, and assessed for tumor volume and %TGI as described. Growth curves and %TGIs for representative xenografts are shown.