Figure 2.
Gray matter atrophy in Lewy body spectrum disorders, and relationship of gray matter atrophy in regions critical for narrative judgments to cerebrospinal fluid analytes. Panel (A): Significant gray matter atrophy in Lewy body spectrum disorder patients compared to controls. Green blobs indicate gray matter atrophy at p < 0.05 FWE-corrected. Coronal slice y-axis is indicated above each image and illustrated on the sagittal image at the right. Panel (B): Regions of significant gray matter atrophy in Lewy body spectrum disorder patients with low CSF Aβ compared to normal CSF Aβ (red blobs), and overlap of these areas with hypothesized regions of interest related to narrative organization from Farag et al. (2010; see color code in Table 2). Panel (C): Gray matter regions significantly related to CSF total-tau (blue blobs), and overlap of these areas with regions of interest related to narrative organization from Farag et al. (2010; see color code in Table 2).