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. 2017 Mar;107(3):421–426. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2016.303591


Death Certificate Descriptives: Suicides With Opioid Poisoning as a Contributing Cause of Death, United States, 1999–2014

Variable Suicides With Opioid Poisoning as Contributor to Death, 1999–2014 (n = 20 917), No. (%)
Underlying cause of death
 Poisoning, total 20 359 (97.3)
 Narcotics and hallucinogens 8 629 (41.3)
 Other specified drugsa 127 (0.6)
 Other and unspecified drugs 11 439 (54.7)
 Chemicals and noxious substancesb 165 (0.8)
 Strangulation or suffocation 257 (1.2)
 Firearm 116 (0.5)
 Otherc 159 (0.8)
Autopsy report present
 Yes 13 719 (65.6)
 No 3 286 (15.7)
 Unknownd 3 912 (18.7)
Place of death
 Medical facility 3 430 (16.4)
 Decedent’s home 14 027 (67.1)
 Hospice,e nursing home, or long-term care facility 90 (0.4)
 Other or unknownf 3 370 (16.1)

Includes nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics, and antirheumatics (International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision code X60), antiepileptics, sedatives, hypnotics, and anti-Parkinson drugs (X61), and other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system (X63).


Includes alcohol, solvents, gases, vapors, pesticides, and other unspecified chemicals.


Includes drowning or submersion, explosive material, smoke, fire and flames, self-harm with a sharp object, jumping from a high place, jumping or lying before a moving object, crashing a motor vehicle, and other means.


Autopsy report status was unknown for all deaths for the years 1999 through 2002.


Hospice was available as an option only for 2003 or later.


Unknown was available as an option only for 1999 through 2002.