Figure 15.
PET scans of C57Bl/6j mice administered: (a) [89Zr(oxalate)4]4−; (b) 89Zr-THP-mal-trastuzumab; and (c) 89Zr-DFO-mal-trastuzumab. For the animal administered [89Zr(ox)4]4− 98% of the injected dose remains 4 h post-injection, and is associated predominantly with the skeleton. For the animal administered 89Zr-THP-mal-trastuzumab, the skeleton is clearly visible from three days post-injection, indicative of dissociation of 89Zr4+ from THP-mal-trastuzumab over time. This is in marked contrast to the animal administered 89Zr-DFO-trastuzumab, where the blood pool remains visible out to seven days post-injection. Reprinted with permission under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) License from Ma, M.T.; et al. Tripodal tris(hydroxypyridinone) ligands for immunoconjugate PET imaging with 89Zr4+: comparison with desferrioxamine-B. Dalton Trans. 2015, 44, 4884–4900. Copyright Royal Society of Chemistry.