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. 2017 Jan 18;18(1):180. doi: 10.3390/ijms18010180

Table 8.

Whole-exome sequencing studies on hepatobiliary and pancreatic cancers.

Cancer Type N Findings Clinical Implications Reference
HB 6 21 mutated genes, including mutations in the WNT pathway Larger studies are required to explore the mutational background of HB [141]
HCC (HBV positive) 10 (110 samples, including PVTTs and intrahepatic metastases) ARID1A was mutated in 14 of 110 samples (13%)
ARID1A loss-of-function mutations may be crucial for HCC invasion and metastasis
ARID1A is a potential novel biomarker for treatment and prognosis [142] †
NAFLD-related HCC 10 (11 samples, WES, TS, CNV studies) 12 genes were frequently mutated including novel genes (FGA, SYNE1) Larger studies are required to confirm the validity of novel genes [143]
PDA (acinar differentiation) 23 Potentially targetable mutations in well-known genes (BRCA2, PALB2, ATM, BAP1, BRAF and JAK1) were identified in 1/3 of patients This study supports the conduction of umbrella studies [144]
125 CNA in total with CGH array analysis
New recurrent mutations in ARID1A, RPS6KA3, NFE2L2 and IRF2
Inactivation of chromatin remodelers was frequent and was associated with alcohol
Wnt/b-catenin pathway promotes tumorigenesis through both oxidative stress metabolism and MAPK pathways
Association of environmental risk factors with specific gene mutations could improve screening and early diagnosis [145]
PDA from VLTSs (≥10 years) 35 (8 WES, 27 TS) Frequently mutated genes were identified (KRAS, TP53, RNF43, CDKN2A, and SMAD4)
Combined WES and TS data showed no significant difference between VLTSs and patients unselected for survival
Validity of these data must be investigated by larger studies [146]
FLC 78 (48 WES + TES, 58 whole-transcriptome, 41 SNP arrays) Identification of 3 molecular classes: proliferation with altered mTOR pathway, inflammation with altered cytokine production genes and unannotated Larger studies are required to confirm the validity of the developed prognostic 8-gene expression signature (PEAR1, KRTAP, KLRD1, OSBPL8, RPL32, SLC26A11, RGS11 and RAPGEF1) [147]
HCC 87 Substantial genetic heterogeneity
NFE2L2-KEAP1 and MLL pathways were recurrently mutated
Further larger WES studies are needed for completing the cancer driver genes catalog and developing individualized therapy [148]
PDA 99 with early stage (I and II; WES and CNA) Substantial genetic heterogeneity
8 novel mutated genes: EPC1 and ARID2 (chromatin modification), ATM (DNA damage repair), ZIM2, MAP2K4, NALCN, SLC16A4 and MAGEA6
The novel mutated genes identified could potentially be used as therapeutic targets but validation is required by larger studies [149]
PDA 101 (24 WES and 77 TS) Mutated chromatin regulating genes MLL, MLL2, MLL3, ARID1A were associated with improved survival
Detection of ctDNA was associated with predictable recurrence 6.5 months before occurrence
These genes may have prognostic significance and ctDNA could potentially be used as a biomarker to predict recurrence [150]
PDA 109 Identification of multiple novel mutated genes in PDA, with select genes harboring prognostic significance
KRAS mutations were observed in >90% of cases
ARID1A was a marker of poorer outcome
RBM10 mutation was associated with longer survival
BRAF and PIK3CA mutations expand the spectrum of oncogenic drivers
PDA is a complex cancer and WES can provide insight on pathogenesis, diagnosis and therapeutic management of these tumors [151]
ICC 135 (7 fresh frozen samples, 107 FFPE, 21 FFPE mixed HCC-ICC; WES in 8, WGS in 1) Chromosomal translocation t(10;12)(q26;q12) leads to FGFR2PPHLN1 fusion; it is successfully inhibited by a selective FGFR2 inhibitor in vitro Novel fusion event (FGFR2PPHLN1) could provide therapeutic benefit
Most CCA patients harbor potentially targetable molecular alterations
HCC 231 (WES and CNA) Mutated RB1 was a predictor of recurrence and poor survival after HCC resection RB1 mutations could be used as a prognostic molecular biomarker for resectable HCC [153]
HCC 243 28% of the tumors featured genetic alterations targeted by FDA-approved drugs and 3 groups of genes were associated with risk factors: CTNNB1 (alcohol), TP53 (HBV) and AXINI Association of environmental risk factors with specific genes provides new potential for HCC prevention and early-stage diagnosis [154]
HCC 503 (452 WES) * TERT alterations were identified in 68% of the patients
AXIN1 was more frequently mutated in HBV-positive and ARID1A in non-virus cases
Druggable kinase alterations were rarely found (<2%)
Mutations in genes coding for metabolic enzymes, chromatin remodelers and mTOR pathway could provide diagnostic and therapeutic potential [155] ‡

Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH); copy-number alteration (CNA); fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FLC); formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE); hepatoblastoma (HB); hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC); intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC); pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA); single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP); targeted sequencing (TS); very long-term survivor (VLTS); whole-exome sequencing (WES); * 22 cases of WGS are included in Table 9; † WES analysis was performed on the Illumina Genome Analyzer II platform, which is no longer available for order on the official Illumina website; ‡ WES analysis was performed on the SureSelect Human All Exon V3 or V4 platform from Agilent Technologies.