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. 2017 Jan 5;49(1):1601181. doi: 10.1183/13993003.01181-2016


Basic characteristics of the 3013 primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) patients included in the international PCD cohort (iPCD Cohort) (April 2016)

Patients 3013 (100)
 Male 1490 (49)
 Female 1523 (51)
Location of country of residence#
 Australia 109 (4)
 Northern Europe 515 (17)
 Western Europe 1146 (39)
 Eastern Europe 105 (4)
 Southern Europe 341 (11)
 Western Asia 278 (9)
 Northern America 418 (14)
 Southern America 101 (3)
Diagnostic information
 Definite PCD diagnosis 1718 (56)
 Probable PCD diagnosis+ 420 (14)
 Clinical diagnosis only 875 (30)
Age years
 0–9 517 (17)
 10–19 1156 (38)
 20–29 553 (18)
 30–39 316 (10)
 40–49 205 (7)
 50–59 137 (5)
 ≥60 129 (4)

Data are presented as n (%). #: based on geographical region definitions of the United Nations Statistic Division (August 2016) (Northern Europe: Denmark, Norway, UK; Western Europe: Belgium, France, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands; Eastern Europe: Poland; Southern Europe: Italy, Serbia; Western Asia: Cyprus, Israel, Turkey; Northern America: Canada, USA; Southern America: Argentina); : defined as hallmark PCD electron microscopy findings and/or bi-allelic gene mutation identified based on the European Respiratory Society PCD Diagnostics Task Force guidelines [11]; +: abnormal light or high-frequency video microscopy finding and/or low (≤77 nL·min−1) nasal nitric oxide value.