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. 2017 Jan 10;5(1):2325967116679641. doi: 10.1177/2325967116679641


Accuracy of Diagnostic Testing for FAI and Hip Instabilitya

Diagnostic Examination AUC (95% CI) Standard Error P Value
FAI (n = 110)
 FPAW 0.57 (0.50-0.65) 0.04 .06
 FADIR 0.52 (0.49-0.56) 0.02 .21
 FPAW + FADIR 0.58 (0.51-0.66) 0.04 .03
Hip instability (n = 54)
 FPAW 0.67 (0.59-0.75) 0.04 <.001
 FABER 0.7 (0.62-0.77) 0.04 <.001
 FPAW + FABER 0.77 (0.69-0.85) 0.04 <.001

aBoldfaced P values indicate statistical significance. AUC, area under the curve, as calculated by receiver operating characteristic; FABER, flexion abduction external rotation; FADIR, flexion adduction internal rotation; FAI, femoroacetabular impingement; FPAW, foot progression angle walking.