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. 2017 Jan 22;17(1):207. doi: 10.3390/s17010207

Table 1.

The notation of the used parameters and functions.

Section Parameters or Functions Descriptions
E(f) Energy function to generate color-flattening, E(f)=ed+Ep.
Ed Data term of energy function for pixel-wise intrinsic similarity.
z A concatenated vector of all pixel values in transformed image Ic.
z A concatenated vector of all pixel values in original image I.
4.1 Ep Smoothness term of energy function.
xi A 3-dimensional vector of the RGB values at pixel position pi of transformed image Ic.
ωi,j Weights to the difference between xi of pixel position pi and xj of the neighboring pixel pj of pi.
fi A 3-dimensional vector of the CIELab color space of pi.
κ A constant related to the luminance variations.
M The ml×n matrix consists of ωi,j and ωi,j.
dk and bk Intermediate variables of the split Bregman method.
γi γi=[xi,yi,zi], the i-th 3D point data of 3D point clouds.
4.2 Γi The i-th voxel includes the reflected particles with a size of mvx×mvy×mvz.
NΓ The number of voxels in a 3D point cloud.
Γimax The possible number of reflectance particles in voxel Γi.
S A set of segmented partition of the color-flatted image.
Ns The number of segmented partitions.
N(si) Set of spatially-connected neighborhood partitions of the si partition.
ψi,j The dissimilarity function to group the adjacent partitions.
ψi,jc ψi,jc=||ziczjc||1; the color dissimilarity between the adjacent partitions.
αc A weight constant for the color dissimilarity.
5.1 zc 75-bin color histogram measured from the mean image Iμ.
ψi,jt The texture dissimilarity between the adjacent partitions.
αt A weight constant for the texture dissimilarity.
zt 240-bin SIFT histogram of original image I.
θd A threshold value for grouping adjacent partitions.
S and S The ground truth of the segmented and inferred segmentation images from the proposed method.
Ns The number of training images to find α=[αc,αt].
Δ(·,·) The structural loss between the ground truth and the inferred segmented partition.
αi,in The classification results of each bounding box provided from the image.
6.2 βj,jm The classification results of each bounding box provided from the 3D point clouds.
mαi,βj The association component between αi and βj.