A recipient (M3213) treated with the ATG/Tac/Rapa regimen showed no evidence of rejection in the kidney (H&E, 200x) (A) and islet allograft (H&E, 400x) (B) at autopsy. In the aCD40/Rapa group, a representative recipient that survived for >120 days (M2414) showed no evidence of rejection in the kidney (H&E, 400x) (C) and islet (Insulin, 400x) (D) allografts on day 96. M5113 lost islet allograft function on day 90 but showed no evidence of rejection in the kidney allograft (PAS, 400x) (E) on day 104. M5813 which lost islet allograft function on day 94 showed peri-islet dense mononuclear infiltrates (Insulin, 400x) (F). In the kidney allograft, extensive interstitial fibrosis with focal mononuclear infiltration (PAS, 200x) (G) was observed on day 98. Renal allograft biopsy on day 104 after KTx (M2815) showed no diagnostic abnormality (PAS, 200x) (H).