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. 2017 Feb 6;24(2):e00518-16. doi: 10.1128/CVI.00518-16


IgG antibody responses in serum samples from index herd in relation to skin test status

Blood sample datea and skin test status (no. of samples) % Antibody positiveb
Total % positivec
MPB70 peptide PPD-B MPB70 MPB83 CFP10 ESAT6
18 March 2014
    SICTT positive (14) 100 100 100 100 100 78.6 100
    SICTT negative (433) 78.1 81.1 71.4d 62.8e 45.0f 9.0f 77.8d
    Total (447) 78.7 81.7 72.3 64.0 46.8 11.2 78.5
22 May 2014
    SIT positive (74) 41.9 63.5 55.4 54.1 43.2 37.8 64.9
    SIT negative (133) 27.8d 31.6f 36.1d 30.8d 17.3f 24.8 42.1e
    Total (207) 32.9 43.0 43.0 39.1 26.6 29.5 50.2

SICTT was performed in March and blood samples were taken 8 days after PPD-B injection, while SIT was performed in May and blood samples were taken 3 days after PPD-B injection.


Values showing statistically significant differences between skin test-positive and -negative animals are in bold.


Positive, antibodies to two or more antigens.


P < 0.05.


P < 0.001.


P < 0.0001.