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. 2017 Feb 8;17:178. doi: 10.1186/s12889-017-4078-1

Table 7.

Management of faeces passed by under five children by their caregivers

Description of variables Category Frequency Percent
Transportation of child faeces (n = 279) A potty 154 51.3
Not applicable 59 19.7
Paper 50 16.7
Nylon 16 5.3
Routine disposal option of child faeces (n = 280) Latrine/toilet 201 67.0
In nearby bush/open dump 49 16.3
In the household solid waste receptacle 23 7.7
Open drainage 5 1.7
Left in the open in the compound 2 .7
How child anus was cleaned after defecation (n = 299) Rinsed with water 254 84.7
Tissue paper/paper 21 7.0
Paper 11 3.7
Wipe with a clean section of soiled nappy/sanitary napkin 10 3.3
Others 03 0.9
How under five child cleaning materials was disposed of after use (n = 297) In toilet 163 54.3
Cleaning water emptied in the environment 48 16.0
Solid material disposed of in open dump 45 15.0
Disposed with domestic solid waste 29 9.7
No specific disposal method 12 4.0
Household own tool to manage child faeces (n = 300) Yes 59 19.7
No 241 80.3
Faeces management tools washed after use? (n = 241) Yes 49 16.3
No 11 3.7
Materials used in washing the faeces management tools (n = 49) Soap and water 33 11.0
Water only 16 5.3
Hand hygiene practices by caregivers after contact with under five child faeces (n = 299) Wash hands with water and soap 241 80.3
Wash hands with water only 43 14.3
Clean hands with rag only 09 3.0
Do not clean/wash hands after caring for the child 06 2.0