A–D, Supervised analysis of the top 500 most
differentially expression genes between CREBBP WT (CREBBPWT) and
mutant (CREBBPMUT) FL (A, B), DLBCL patients
(C), or between scramble and CREBBP knockdown
MD901 cells (D). Columns represent individual samples, rows
correspond to the genes. Heatmap represents the z-scores of the expression value
(RPKM) characterized by RNA-seq. The column on the right represents the
proportion of the genes that were repressed (green) or upregulated (red)
CREBBPMUT patient samples as compared to CREBBPWT
patient samples (A–C), or in CREBBP knockdown cells as
compared to scramble control samples of the respective cohorts (D).
Statistical significance was determined by Fisher Exact test. E,
Summary of the GSEA of the down-regulated genes in the top 500 most
differentially expressed genes of respective cohorts as compared to ranked gene
expression changes between either murine
VavP-Bcl2/CrebbpKD and
VavP-Bcl2/EV murine tumors (purple bars) or between
CREBBP KD and Scr MD901 cells (orange bars). * indicates
statistical significant enrichment (FDR q<0.05). F, Pathway
analysis of the down-regulated genes within the top 500 most differentially
expressed genes of respective cohorts. Heatmap represents the
–log10 BH-adjusted p-value of each geneset tested.