A, B. Expression of Lefty1 in the midline is reduced in Ccdc40lnks/lnks embryos with bilateral (B) compared to L-LPM (A) expression of Lefty1. C-F. Double in situ hybridizations showing normal expression levels of Lefty2 (LPM) with either Brachyury (C, D) or Shh (E, F) in the midline of wild type (C, E) or Ccdc40lnks/lnks mutant embryos with left isomerism (D, F). G-R. Fluorescent immunocytochemistry demonstrating similar dorsal-ventral distribution of the indicated antigens in the spinal neural tube of wild type (G, I, K, M, O, Q) and Ccdc40lnks/lnks mutants (H, J, L, N, P, R). Data are representative of 2–3 embryos per genotype. Left (L) and Right sides are labeled in panel A.