Table 3.
The association between extradyadic sex (EDS) and the hazard of union dissolution (log-odds) for young women in opposite-sex cohabiting and marital unions (N = 4692).
Model 1
Model 2
Model 3
se | se | se | |
Extradyadic Sex (EDS), ref = No known EDS | |||
Respondent’s EDS | 0.06p 0.22 |
0.09 0.62 |
0.21p 0.20 |
Partner’s EDS | 0.82***rm 0.17 |
1.09** 0.37 |
1.02***rm 0.17 |
Mutual EDS | 0.08p 0.18 |
0.01 0.51 |
0.30p 0.19 |
Wave IV Focal Union Type (Current or most recent if dissolved), ref = Married | |||
Cohabiting | 2.65*** 0.15 |
2.70*** 0.20 |
2.53*** 0.17 |
EDS × Wave IV Focal Union Type | |||
Respondent’s EDS × Cohabiting | −0.04 0.67 |
Partner’s ED × Cohabiting | −0.32 0.40 |
Mutual EDS × Cohabiting | 0.07 0.52 |
Respondent Characteristics | |||
Wave III Age | −0.36*** 0.06 |
Children in Household, 1 = yes | −0.24 0.18 |
Race/Ethnicity, ref = White | |||
Black | 0.11 0.19 |
Hispanic | −0.52 0.27 |
Other | −0.07 0.26 |
No High School Degree at Wave III | −0.13 0.16 |
Personal Income at Wave III | −0.01 0.01 |
Unemployed at Wave III | −0.01 0.16 |
Did Not Live with Both Parents during Adolescence (Wave I, II or Both) | −0.08 0.13 |
Alcohol Use at Wave III | −0.13* 0.06 |
Drug Use at Wave III | 0.03 0.09 |
Religiosity at Wave III | 0.11 0.07 |
# of Sexual Partners during Adolescence/Young Adulhtood (by Wave III) | 0.03* 0.01 |
Wave III Report that Fidelty is Important for Successful Relationships | −0.05 0.05 |
# of Marriages Prior to Wave IV Focal Union | −0.01 0.17 |
# of Cohabiting Unions Prior to Wave IV Focal Union | 0.11 0.08 |
Age when Wave IV Focal Union Began | 0.41*** 0.05 |
Source; National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health.
p < 0.01;
p < 0.05.
Significantly different from coefficient for respondent’s EDS.
Significantly different from coefficient for partner’s EDS.
Significantly different from coefficient for mutual EDS.