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. 2016 Oct 10;14(2):146–179. doi: 10.1038/cmi.2016.39

Table 10. Model-based recommendations for immunosuppressive and/or immunomodulatory protocols after solid organ transplantation.

Species Indication Strategy Survival Immunosuppressive/immunomodulatory protocol Target serum levels
NHP Heterotopic cardiac xenoTx357 Immunopharmacotherapy >365 days 50 mg of anti-CD40 antibody/kg per week, 19 mg of anti-CD20 antibody on POD −14, −7, 0 and 7, 5 mg of ATG/kg on POD −2 and −1, 20 mg of MMF/kg b.i.d., 2 mg of steroids/kg tapered off in 4–6 weeks357 • n.s.i.357
  Liver xenoTx358 Immunopharmacotherapy 9 days Induction therapy: Three doses of thymoglobulin on POD −3, LoCD2bn, CVF, 25 mg/kg anti-CD154 on POD −1, 0 and 5, Az on POD −1 and 0, Maintenance therapy: Started on POD −1 with Tcr and 10 mg of MP/kg on POD 0 then tapered off358 • 10–25 ng of Tcr/ml358
  Renal xenoTx359 Immunopharmacotherapy >125 days Single dose of 50 mg of anti-CD4/kg i.v. between POD −3 and −1, 50 mg of anti-CD8/kg i.v. on POD 0, 20 mg of anti-CD154/kg i.v. on POD 0, 7 and 14 and then biweekly, MMF (applied dosage in previous studies:360 15 mg/kg s.c. b.i.d. on POD 0–14, then q.d.) and steroids359 (applied dosage in previous studies:360 20 mg of MP on POD 0, 16 mg of MP on POD 1, 12 mg of MP on POD 2, 8 mg of MP on POD 3, 4 mg of MP on POD 4, 3 mg of MP on POD 5–14, then 1 mg per day) • n.s.i.359
  Renal xenoTx361 Immunopharmacotherapy 136 days 10 mg of ATG/kg on POD −3, 10 mg of RTB/kg on POD −2 and 50 mg of RTB/kg on POD −1, 0, 4, 7 and 14 and weekly, 100 U CVF on POD −1 and 0, 0.01 mg of Rpm/kg b.i.d. from POD −3, 5 mg of MP/kg per day tapering to 0.25/kg per day, 10 mg of tocilizumab/kg on POD −1, 7, 14 and every 2 weeks, 0.5 mg of etanercept/kg on POD 0, 3, 7, 28 and 40361 • 8–12 ng of Rpm/ml361
  Renal alloTx362 Immunopharmacotherapy >3478 days Splenectomy, TBI (1.5 Gy), TI (7 Gy) on POD −1, 15 mg of CsA/kg per day until POD 28, i.v. 0.3–3.5 × 108/kg donor bone marrow cells on POD 0362 • >300 ng of CsA/ml362
Mouse Cardiac alloTx and pretreated donor spleen cells363 Cell-based therapy 35±14.4 days Pretreatment of donor spleen cells with mitomycin C, on POD −8 transfusion of donor spleen cells, on POD −7 to −1 1.5 mg of Rpm/kg per day p.o.363 • n.s.i.363
  Cardiac alloTx in combination with liver alloTx347 Strain combination >100 days (45–100% survival) No immunosuppression necessary using various strain combinations, for example, B10 with C3H, A.TH with A.TL, B10.BR with C3H; simultaneous heterotopic cardiac alloTx of donor origin in recipients of liver allografts on the same day347  
  Liver alloTx347 Strain combination >100 days up to >375 days No immunosuppression necessary using various strain combinations, for example, B10 with C3H, DBA2 with B10.D2, B10.BR with C3H, B10.D2 with B10JHTG, A.SW with A.TH, B10.BR with B10347  
  Renal alloTx in combination with DCs and CHO cells364 Cell-based therapy >80 days (60% survival) i.p. injection of 10 × 106 CHO cells (transfected with a vector encoding murine OX-2, which leads to an overexpression of OX-2 on the surface), infusion of 5 × 106 DCs (1:1 mixture of DCs cytokine-transduced with either Ad-IL-10 or Ad-TGF-β) into the portal vein, 36 h later renal alloTx were performed364  
Rat Cardiac alloTx271 Pharmacological monotherapy >200 days p.o. 40 mg of MMF/kg per day271 • n.s.i.271
  Liver alloTx365 Strain combination >100 days No immunosuppression necessary using various strain combinations, for example, donor: DA, DA-P or DA-L, recipient: PVG365  
  Renal alloTx and pretreated donor spleen cells366 Cell-based therapy >200 days i.v. infusion of 1 × 108 pretreated spleen cells on POD −7 and 1, 2 mg of AAT per rat i.p. on POD −1, pretreatment of spleen cells: incubation with 150 mg of ECDI per 3.2 × 108 spleen cells366 • n.s.i.366
Dog Heterotopic cardiac alloTx367 Immunopharmacotherapy >538 days TLI (total cumulative dose of 1800 rad over 4 weeks), cardiac Tx 72 h after completion of radiotherapy, 0.25–2.0 mg of Az/kg per day i.m. for 90 days, 4 mg of ATG/kg i.m. on POD 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10367 • n.s.i.367
  Orthotopic liver alloTx368, 369 Pharmacological monotherapy >241 days 20 mg of CsA/kg per day on POD 1–30, then reduced to 15 mg of CsA/kg per day until POD 90369 • >200 ng of CsA/ml369
  Renal alloTx286, 370 Pharmacological combination therapy Up to 1440 days p.o. 10 mg of CsA/kg/12 h, 2–3 mg of Az/kg/48 h, 0.5 mg of P/kg/12 h (then tapered)286, 370 • 400–500 ng of CsA/ml for the first 6 months after Tx, 350–450 ng of CsA/ml thereafter,286, 370 decrease of CsA dosage ~32.9±13.9% via usage of 5 mg of Fcz/kg per day371
  Renal alloTx in combination with donor bone marrow Tx188 Pharmacological combination therapy and cell-based therapy >2078 days i.v. infusion of ~2 × 108 donor mononuclear BMCs within 8 h of TBI (200 cGy), 15 mg of CsA/kg b.i.d. p.o. on POD 1–63, then tapered (20–30%/month), 10 mg of MMF/kg b.i.d. p.o. on POD 0–63, then tapered (20–30%/month), donor renal Tx was performed following TBI but before BMC Tx188 • n.s.i.188
Pig Cardiac alloTx in combination with renal alloTx372 Pharmacological monotherapy >269 days i.v. 10–13 mg of CsA/kg per day on POD 0–11372 • 400–800 ng of CsA/ml372
  Liver alloTx289 Pharmacological monotherapy >126 days i.m. 20 mg of CsA/kg per day on POD −1 to 19289 • n.s.i.289
  Renal alloTx in combination with donor bone Tx354 Pharmacological combination therapy and cell-based therapy Induced long-term tolerance TI (700 cGy) and 0.05 mg of pCD3-CRM9/kg i.v. on POD −2, 15–30 mg of CsA/kg per day p.o. on POD −1 to 30, Tx of 100–200 × 108 PBSCs on POD 0, donor-matched renal alloTx on POD 98 or 190354 • 300–800 ng of CsA/ml354
  Renal alloTx288 Pharmacological monotherapy >100 days >730 days373 i.v. 10 mg of CsA/kg per day for 12 days288 • Reached serum levels: 701±40 ng of CsA/ml288
Sheep Uterus alloTx Pharmacological combination therapy >180 days p.o. 8 mg of CsA/kg per day, i.m. 5 mg of P/kg per day on POD −2 to 14374 • 150 ng of CsA/ml was reached after 5 days of CsA administration374
    Immunopharmacotherapy >118 days, showed signs of estrus p.o. 0.02–0.15 mg of Tcr/kg per day and p.o. 1.5 g of MMF per day on POD −2, maintain until the end of the trial, p.o. 40 mg of MP per day on POD 1–15 (tapered off towards to 16 mg of MP per day), perioperatively i.v.: 50 mg of ATG (DDI), 500 mg of MP277 • 3000–6000 ng of Tcr/ml277

Abbreviations: AAT, α1-antitrypsin (key serine protease inhibitor); ATG, antithymocyte globulin; Az, azathioprine; b.i.d., twice a day; cGy, centiGray; CHO, Chinese hamster ovary; CsA, cyclosporin A; CVF, cobra venom factor; DCs, dendritic cells, DDI, duration drip infusion, ECDI, 1-ethyl-3-(3′-dimethylaminopropyl)-carbodiimide (induces apoptosis of the spleen cells); Fcz, fluconazole; GCSF, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor; i.m., intramuscular; i.p., intraperitoneal; i.v., intravenous; LoCD2b, monoclonal mouse anti-human CD2b antibody; MMF, mycophenolate mofetil; MP, methylprednisolone; MSCs, mesenchymal stem cells; NHP, non-human primate; n.s.i., no sufficient information available; P, prednisolone; p.o., oral; POD, postoperative day; q.d., once a day; Rpm, rapamycin; RTB, Rituximab; s.c., subcutaneous; TPC, α-Gal-polyethylene; Tcr, tacrolimus; TI, thymic irradiation; TLI, total lymphoid irradiation; Tx, transplantation; U, unit.